Sunday, June 14, 2020

Colors and Shapes

Colors and Shapes Colors and Shapes | A Creative Resume Template Freebie Imagine that someone has placed three sheets of paper in front of you. Two of them are completely white, with nothing except for a few dull blocks of text to catch your interest. The third piece of paper, however, has a few splashes of blue in the form of borders and frames that are spread throughout the paper. Immediately you would want to pick that one up and start reading. Humans are naturally drawn to soft, bright, colors. Colors such as green and blue signify healthy natural resources. Our “Colors and Shapes” resume template is perfect for when you want to catch the attention of others without the use of overly bright color. This template uses a soft blue in order to draw the eye in. It features a photo frame at the top left corner of the page, as well as a sidebar to showcase your skills and profile.Have we piqued your interest? If so, download our free template by clicking on the link below.Need something different? Check out our collection of free downloadable resume t emplates. File size: 188 KB Format: .docx Downloaded 3,825 times License: Free, personal use only. Please read the license terms for resources. Download previous article

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